
Legal website operator identification:

Inh. Carmen Harusta
Bürgerstr. 6

Fon: +49  551 7701719

Gerichtsstand: Göttingen
Ust.-Ident.-Nr. DE 188543459

Responsible for the contents as per § 55 of the RStV (Interstate Broadcasting Agreement):
Carmen Harusta
Bürgerstr. 6
37073 Göttingen


Legal information about website

All texts, images and pieces of information published here are governed by the provider’s copyright, insofar as the situation does not involve the copyrights of external parties. In any event, an operation involving duplication, distribution or public reproduction may only be carried out if revocable and untransferable authorisation has been obtained from the provider.
The provider assumes no responsibility for the online contents that are linked through the use of cross-references (links), since the situation in question does not involve in-house contents. The linked sites were checked for illegal contents, and no such contents were discernible when the link was set up. The operators of the linked sites are responsible for their contents. In this regard, the supplier is not subject to any general obligation to monitor or check. However, if a violation of the law becomes known, the respective link will promptly be removed.


Information about online dispute resolution

The european commission will launch an internet platform for the resolution of online disputes in the first quarter of 2016. As an online retailer we close contracts over the internet, and this platform shall help solving issues in online-contracts between private customers and companies. This platform will be found here,after the release:

Bank Account

Owner          GLASINSEL
                   Carmen Harusta
IBAN            DE55 7002 2200 0020 3318 11
Institution     Fidor Bank